It’s nearly that time again – spring cleaning season. I don’t love spring cleaning personally, but it’s something that needs to be done. I also really like the whole “fresh” feeling you get. Anyway, here’s some spring cleaning memes to make this time of year a bit more fun.
My mom told me the other day she’s starting her spring cleaning. It’s only February! Personally, I like to do it when the spring sun is shinning and you can open the windows. Who knows, maybe she’ll come help me with mine when she’s done. Haha.
21 Memes That Capture the Spring Cleaning Spirit
I hate to admit that I made these memes myself. Some of them might not be completely original ideas (with so many memes out there there’s bound to be overlap!) but I did my best to give y’all some funny spring cleaning memes that you can share around.
1. One does not simply spring clean

I’m calling myself out a little bit here. What do you mean you’re not supposed to save every. single. cleaning. task. for spring cleaning?
2. Thinking smart

Ever procrastinate something and then have the problem resolve itself? I think that applies to spring cleaning. Maybe.
3. Brace yourself

This meme is more directed at my family while I do my spring cleaning. Either you help, or you get out of the way.
4. Sneaking up on you…

Is wanting everything to stay cleaned for more than one day too much to ask? The house would always be clean if no one else lived here. Alas…
5. Chat with a friend

You have to start somewhere, right? It’s called decluttering, look it up.
6. Clean all the things!

This is motivational meme for when you’re spring cleaning.
7. Decluttering those toys

I don’t even feel bad anymore. If they loved the toys so much they wouldn’t be all over the house, right?
8. When the realization hits

Every. Time. When do they get out of the making a mess stage, because it’s apparently not the ages my kids are.
9. So it begins

Ready for battle and taking no prisoners.
10. Nobody cares

Send this to that one friend who brags about getting their spring cleaning done early while the rest of us are sitting here looking at memes instead of cleaning.
11. This is fine

Like brushing your teeth while eating oreos or shovelling during a blizzard.
12. Feeling wealthy

The true rich flex in the mom world.
13. Band-aid fix

If cleaning wasn’t a healthy way to manage my anxiety and stress why does it make me feel better hmmmm??
14. Domino effect

Please tell me I’m not alone with this.
15. Filling up the minivan

Life hack: I told my kids we couldn’t go to the beach until they cleaned out the van. It worked! Follow me for more tips.
16. What some husbands think they deserve

For your husband when he “helps you with your spring cleaning” (that somehow is your responsibility even though he lives there too).
17. Forgot to spring clean again

There’s always fall, right?
19. Marked safe

Another meme for my family. Please keep them in your thoughts while I do my spring cleaning.
20. High-five!

Glad he noticed at least.
21. That would be great

Maybe just for a little while so I can enjoy a day or two of a clean house?
Hope you enjoyed these funny spring cleaning memes! Now that you’re done looking at memes, why not get started on actually cleaning? Here’s some of our best tips:
- Tips For Spring Cleaning With Kids
- 50+ Things to Declutter RIGHT NOW
- Tricks to Buy Yourself Time (Without Hiring Help)
Or you can just put off the spring cleaning. Let’s be real – the mess isn’t going anywhere and there are so many better things to be doing than cleaning! Especially if there’s some nice weather that you could be enjoying right now.